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Started development of Microsoft Power Platform based finance App.

February 1th, 2021. Osnabrück (Germany). Started development of own Microsoft Power Platform based finance App in order to better manage own stock and investment portfolio and, at the same time, showcase a real scenario solution based on Microsoft Power Platform. The application allows to manage a list of stocks/securities in an easy way, is connected with multiple APIs that automatically provide updated prices, news and data related to the investment vehicles. Each month new features will be added to showcase the actual and comming possibilities of the amazing Microsoft Power Platform, including Power Apps (Model-driven and Canvas), Dataverse, Power BI and Microsoft Flow (Power Automate).  

This will be a live project which will generate some posts at this site (section blog), demos for customers and leads and future trainning packages here in Osnabrück or elsewhere by demand. Keep checking this site for future advances on this project. 

Dipl.-Ing. Pedro Rodriguez

Tel.      : +49 159 017 98 997
E-Mail   :
Adresse​​​​​​: Marie-Curie-Straße 10

             49076 Osnabrück

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Dipl. -Ing. Pedro Rodriguez IdNr.: DE 317316808

Insured by ALLIANZ Versicherungs-AG (Haftpflichtversicherung)

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