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Digital2018 in Cologne 


Between 07-11 and 08-11 I was in Digital2018 invited by BVMW and the event clearly surpassed my expectations. This event is organised by Deutsche Telekom and WirtschaftsWoche Magazin in order to provide a basement where Digitalisation can take form in Germany being a great event for networking with people from digital business and companies and organisations willing to take the step to the digitalisation. 


The event, located in Cologne, was really well organised with load of well-known personalities in stage like Linda Zevarkis as moderator (Tagesschau), Sigmar Gabriel (Ex German Minister), Steve Wozniak (Apple founder) and Dr. Wladimir Klitschko between others. 


Microsoft had one of the biggests stands acting as meeting point and cost free Restaurant for the attendes, for short breaks Microsoft provided a XBOX with Red Dead Redemption 2 running on 4K. 


After the first day there was a Executive Dinner where attendes where located randomly fomenting networking which was a great way to get in contact with people without having to have arranged a meeting. 


As I know Deutsche Telekom will from now organise a serie of events with name DigitalX before the next Digital2019 which seems to be the place to be for all the community. 


As part of the benefits from attending the fair was a cost free membership at Wirtschaftsmagazine WIWO which allows to access all the premium content throught the App but also to download the e-magazines of the, probably, the best economic magazine in Germany. 


I want to serious thank BMVW (German Mittelstand) from the invitation to this great event and I recommend you to become member in this german association f you are registered in Germany as company or freelancer. 


I let you below the video of the closing concert with the Black Eyed Peas presenting their brand new album and new female singer for the Digital2018 attendes. A great closing and motivation to take digitalisation futher at german companies. 

Dipl.-Ing. Pedro Rodriguez

Tel.      : +49 159 017 98 997
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Dipl. -Ing. Pedro Rodriguez IdNr.: DE 317316808

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