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15-06-2018 Visit to Frankfurt Stock Exchange

Invited by Sparkasse S-Broker and Vontobel, investment bank headquartered in Zurich, I could visit the Frankfurter Stock Exchange in the same day that Home24 becomes best Rocket IPO. It was very interesting to see on site how technology is applied on the stock market where almost all the transactions are processed by algorithms but still some people are present in the main room as a sign of identity and economic power.


By the way, Microsoft stocks in the last 12 months have done pretty good (more than 30%) as the company profited from their intelligent move to the Cloud. For companies using the Cloud to improve their processes I think that the implementation project should be done fast and with brilliant people so the company can benefit in the short time from their Digitalisation efforts. A good example is the company TASER (Now called Axon Enterprise) who recently moved from hardware to services based in Cloud and AI thanks to Microsoft Azure. They sales rocketed and investors looked with delight that the stock rose in the last 12 months from 20s$ to 60s$. 

Dipl.-Ing. Pedro Rodriguez

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Dipl. -Ing. Pedro Rodriguez IdNr.: DE 317316808

Insured by ALLIANZ Versicherungs-AG (Haftpflichtversicherung)

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