Dipl.-Ing. Pedro Rodriguez
Microsoft Dynamics 365-Azure Freelancer
Cooperation with MeasureUp
Through September 2020 I have cooperated with the Miami based company, MeasureUp, writting the questions for one of their MB tests that prepare Microsoft Dynamics 365 professionals for their certification. I highly recommed you to visit their site and browse between the multiple tests that they offer to people looking to certify in diverse technologies.

As part of the collaboration I will offer to future customers some MeasureUp tests for free as part of my services. We actually tested one of them, MB-310 Dynamics 365 Finance, at my actual customer in Cologne and that helped us to discover how strong we were on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance knowledge and act accordingly. For my future next client in 2020 Q4 I have already offered this promotion and the response was highly positive. I heartly recommend you to visit MeasureUp Dynamics 365 section to discover how those tests can help you in your certification or in your personal or team skills analysis.